The Demon Modules
- An inferior deity, such as a deified hero.
- An attendant spirit; a genius.
- An evil, supernatural being; a devil.
- A persistently tormenting person, force, or passion.
- One who is extremely zealous, skillful, or diligent.
- A program or part of a program which is not invoked explicitly, but that lies dormant waiting for some condition to occur.
These demons all control the flow of energy in some way. They change, modify or alter that ebergy in some way and send it on its way. Some of these modules are based on turn-of-the-19th century patent models.
- An inferior deity, such as a deified hero.
- An attendant spirit; a genius.
- An evil, supernatural being; a devil.
- A persistently tormenting person, force, or passion.
- One who is extremely zealous, skillful, or diligent.
These demons all control the flow of energy in some way. They change, modify or alter that ebergy in some way and send it on its way. Some of these modules are based on turn-of-the-19th century patent models.